3 Easy Tips to Get More Natural Pictures of Your Kids
Have you ever gotten all dressed up, got the family out to that perfect location to have big emotions take over and not get those images you were hoping for? I get it, we’ve all been there. Sometimes you just can’t predict how those little ones are going to feel that day, and that’s okay. Kids are their own precious beings with their own personalities and feelings, however, there are some things we can do to encourage natural reactions that are positive and happy but also create beautiful memories!
Being creative can bring out the best in your little one.
Make sure everyone has full tummies
Maybe this goes without saying, but when you’re trying to get everyone dressed and rushing out the door to get to your session sometimes eating gets pushed to the back burner. And I don’t know about you, but when I am hungry I am CRANKY. Kids are no different, try and plan ahead and make sure everyone is well fed beforehand, or if not bring some snacks to eat on the way. This is your foundation and if everyone is full it will be easier (and more pleasant) for you to achieve happy pictures.
Snowball fights make the happiest faces!
2. Avoid unrealistic expectations
I am completely guilty of this. I will be scrolling through Pinterest gawking at completely glamorous portraits of these families that might as well be in magazines and think, this is how I want my family to look when we go for our shoot. The thing is; every family, person, and child is unique and this is what makes us so beautiful! I am not saying don’t go looking for inspiration (I do it all the time) I am just saying, make sure you dont put too much pressure on your self or your kids to achieve something that is not them. When I am directing my families I recycle poses but what brings the magic is how every family makes it their own. Your child may not look at the camera, they may not smile in every photo, but they will unapologeticly be themselves and that is where we can truly embody their spirit.
Being in mommas arms can be the best place, especially for little ones.
3. Have fun!
Once again, I may be stating the obvious, but the more uptight and uneasy we are as parents the more nervous and stiff our kids will be. Throw your kids in the air, cuddle them and have tickle fights. Share kisses and hugs, play game of tag or have a dance party! All of these activities will allow you and you kids to relax and have a blast which will encourage natural smiles and emotions and in turn make the most gorgeous pictures.
Here is a great example of how you don’t need to smile to make a beautiful photograph. This little one wanted to hold a stick for the majority of her shoot, and so she did! I don’t think this takes away from the photo at all, if anything, it adds to it.
Having your children execute an activity they like, such as painting, can help them relax and will make for authentic pictures.
You can use these tips whether you're getting professional pictures done or if you’re taking pictures at home. At the end of the day when we let our little ones be themselves they blossom, and that is how we want to remember our children.